
It's All About...My Golden Arches

Originally uploaded by klutz67
*sigh* I bought these babies today. I just got back from 3 miles that were so much better than previous walks. I remember coming back from the shoe store when I was little -- getting shoes was a HUGE deal and rarely done -- and having new sneakers. "They run really fast!" I would shout, and zip across the lawn, around the room, over and under toys and furniture. "These are the BEST shoes!"

So today, I took out of work early (which has to be the last day for quite some time, as my vacation time had 15 hours eaten up with play stuff last week) and went to the closest running store to talk with someone more knowledgeable than ye olde FootLocker employee. What I found was a lovely little shop called StepOneSoccerTwo and a very friendly and knowledgeable salesguy. "You have great arches," he said. "I bet you say that to all the girls," said I. He had the decency to blush.

Turns out I pronate quite severely (who knew?!) and that my lovely arches are "not quite a freak of nature, but pretty unusual" in that they act sort of like flat feet when I walk on them. So I couldn't get the shoes he'd regularly recommend, because my pseudo-flat-footedness doesn't react well to the firmer arch of shoes meant to correct severe pronating. Instead I got these Asics GT-2120's, which he said are probably his most popular shoe. I can deal.

I wasn't going to go out tonight, but I just couldn't stand having $100 shoes and nowhere to wear them. I walked down to the path at dusk, heavily coated in bug spray, and set out to the lake. Bliss. The only pain was leftover stiffness/soreness from yesterday. My feet and shins feel great. Kudos to my cheerleader and also to my "trainer" for both pushing the "get good shoes" line. One of the actors from my last show was running and I think he did a bit of a doubletake at the sight of me. (It was probably just the glare of the shoes.) Guess what? These shoes run FAST! :)

Other than that, my next class starts tomorrow. I'd thought about backing out of that one, but decided that just like the walking/running, I need to plod forward and make progress where ever I can. So HTML, here I come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you! Bella and I started our first power walk today. It actually felt good - although she is now positive that her mother is trying to kill her. I made her run up Woodlawn from Fourth with me (which is the steeper part of our street) because she kept complaining that she couldn't take another step. She made it and she's still alive to complain about it:) I do think I should join you in buying new shoes though. I walked today in sandals - probably not the best thing for my legs and back.