
It’s all about…Perception

So the show opens tonight. It’s going to be a good show. A really good show. I’m really proud of this cast and crew. If I sound less than thrilled, it’s only because I just got a phone call saying we’d tracked paint all through the theater, up the aisle, into the light booth, and all over the light booth’s brand new carpeting. People are not happy. I do not blame them for being unhappy—I’m not happy about it, I just can’t fix it right now. Since the call, I’ve researched removing latex paint from carpet and think I can at least get the “public” areas cleaned up by the end of the weekend using hairspray and rubbing alcohol. (Can a get a hallelujah? Oh, and another 36 hours in a day would be nice too…)

In other news:

Can I admit something to you? I don’t like The Simpsons. I want to like the show. I’ve watched. I’ve found episodes vaguely amusing sometimes. I’ve read raving reviews. I’ve had people (whose opinions I revere!) recommend I watch it. I’ve had people quote things at me. “D’oh” is even part of my vocabulary now. But I can’t sit down and watch an episode and find it entertaining enough to keep my attention. So I feel like using the Groening-like avatar of myself in my profile (which I’ve been using in my private blog, on MySpace, and on FaceBook for a month or two now) is a bit misleading, and more than a little disingenuous. I’m just fine kicking Bart and his kin to the curb. Sacrilege to some, but there it is. I feel like I’ve come out of the non-animated closet.

Having made the decision to rid myself of the cartoon avatar, I know I need to represent myself in some way. (I refuse to be a big question mark on Facebook.) It feels very strange, this worrying about what my “web presence” looks like. For one, I don’t like pictures of myself. I like myself fine, thank you very much, but I don’t particularly enjoy seeing myself in photographs. I would like to think I am much more than my appearance. Then again, to most people (and especially those who do not know me, or who don’t know me well), I am not a lot more than my appearance. And even to those who have had a glimpse of the dork within, what I look like is part of me. Therein lies the rub.

So as I attempted to relax on my day off yesterday (and did not succeed especially well, but managed a long sleep, which helped), I dyed my hair. It was not meant to be burgundy. It was supposed to be Intense Auburn. It is, in fact, pretty much burgundy. What can ya do? And then I took pictures. I made faces at the camera, which was perched in the ubiquitous end-of-the-arm-self-photography pose. I smiled, I made fish lips, I appeared shocked and amused, pretended to be full of hilarity and overwhelmed with seriousness. In the end, they all looked the same to me. It’s just me. And now I have a new profile picture. It looks like me. It is not the entirety of me. And I’m okay with this. But I wish my hair wasn’t quite so…burgundy.

So…enough for a lunchtime ramble. If you’re in the area and would like to see the show, call the theater at 517-849-9100 and make a reservation, would you? Tickets are cheap and you’d be supporting a great cause (and getting some fine Hillsdale County entertainment too!). If you do come, let me know you’re there, and please stay in the lobby after the show so I can come and say howdy.

And wherever you are, leave me a comment or something. My comment section is getting lonely. I like to hear from you. And you. And you (you know who you are).

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