

Concord Elementary Playground
Originally uploaded by klutz67
I love this picture. I didn't take it. My sister did. Last weekend, she took K to see her dad in our hometown, and got a picture on the playground where my dad was the elementary school principal for 13 or so years. He would have gotten the biggest kick out of K. And not just because she's his granddaughter.

Long day at the theater. I think we made some progress, though, which is very positive. If only we could figure out a way to keep the energy up through an entire song, let alone the whole show. These kids just look WIPED OUT the entire time they're on stage. I give a lot of credit to the directors. I couldn't take the frustration. I'll stick to my non-musical comedies/dramas, thanks. (Even if I am INSANE for trying to direct 2 this fall...)

Disney's got a helluva franchise with that High School Musical, though. I have to admit, I had the music on my iPod before we ever talked about doing it at the theater. Now that I'm hearing it in rehearsals, I am humming or singing it all the time -- in private, of course, so as to avoid collateral damage. The music is just damn catchy. But it's more than that. The themes are common but good ones: Be yourself and support each other. I think we could all use a little more of that, eh?


My "library"

Originally uploaded by klutz67
I wanted a place where I could sit and watch the backyard, as well as read. When K&K moved out, I moved the bookshelves to the "dining room" and got the chairs and table from my former mother-in-law's house. The cats love having the chairs because they can bask in the morning sunlight -- the glass doors face east. We have a huge herd of deer that use my backyard as a corridor, so we all have fun things to look at.

Work has been crazy the last few days, but it's troubleshooting and problem-solving. This is a challenge, which I am enjoying as it gets me out of some of the tedium of my daily stuff. Still haven't moved offices, but it's coming. I dread packing and hauling...doesn't everyone?

Rehearsal has also been tough -- we're pulling a show together in a shorter amount of time than usual, and all the kids are less-than-focused due to the end of year. Not their fault, but it is frustrating. It makes me a little crazy to spend so much time at the theater for so few lines, but that's what you sign up for when you audition. *sigh*

Came home last night and had a large glass of scotch. Sleep came easy after that.


Mom's Yard

Originally uploaded by klutz67
Isn't my mom's yard lovely? I can't stop myself from taking pictures when I'm over there. She's such a green thumb! (I am jealous, but not jealous enough to be quite the gardener that she is.)

Not much to write this morning. I missed the girls' birthday (though I remembered on the right day - Tuesday - but didn't think to call until it was WAY too late at night) so I called each last night with congratulations for 23 years on the planet and sincere regret. Oy. Someday I'll be timely. Someday.

Still feeling such a mixture of joy at the excitement of having my house all to myself and oddness at the quiet of it all. Then the dog starts howling and I remember I have 5 animals who aren't all that quiet at all. I have enjoyed my patio the most, and can hardly wait for warmer evenings and a chaise lounge from which to take it all in.


I will not get sick, I will not get sick

more allium
Originally uploaded by klutz67
I woke up this morning with a runny nose and a really persistant cough. My head is throbbing and my eyes are watering. I have no time to be sick, people, so I'm telling the germs in my body to just get over it. Quickly.

Got an unexpected reprieve from rehearsal tonight, so I will have a chance to mow lawn and plant a few trees my mom got for Arbor Day (or some such thing...I don't really know where/why she got them).

Last night, I was sitting on my back patio and watching the big tree in the back yard, when a gust of wind blew through. A thousand little helicopter seeds spun down and it was AMAZING. I don't know how I have lived this long and never seen that happen. Ever. It was just joyful. If it's windy tonight, I may try to get a video. You know, when I'm mowing and planting. Heh.


Missed a Day!

back porch @ night
Originally uploaded by klutz67
I was a complete slug yesterday morning and didn't blog. But I loved every minute. While I miss some things about living with K&K, quiet mornings are something I enjoy immensely. I can wake up at my own pace, eat breakfast on the patio (with every animal crowded at the screen to watch me), wander the house looking at what I might want to redecorate/remodel/clean, maybe actually do a little cleaning, and it's all without the soundtrack of cartoons. Nice.

Play rehearsal was fun yesterday...it's good to see things start to come together. We have a long way to go, but the work is paying off for those kids. If only we could effectively teach them FOCUS. Oy. Teenage hormones preclude that, methinks.

Back to work today. *sigh* I like work, but I sometimes wish life were like a three-day weekend.


Bleeding Hearts

Bleeding Hearts
Originally uploaded by klutz67
Ha - I've been accused of being a bleeding-heart liberal for so long, perhaps THAT's why this is one of my favorite flowers. (Though, just to clarify, I don't consider myself a bleeding-heart anything...I'm pretty liberal, but it's based more on fact and logic than emotion.) I spent some time at Mom's yesterday, taking pictures in her flowerbeds and helping her reconnect some new soaker hoses. Don's been ill, so I gave him a big hug and chatted a few minutes, then I got Mom's voicemail set up on her cell phone. She knew how to use it yesterday when I left...we'll see how she does when I leave her a voice mail today. :)

Last night, Kaelyn spent the night and we had a lot of fun...so much, that we're going to try to do it again next week. Much will depend on rehearsal schedules, however. Scott and Breeanne helped me move a lot of furniture from his mom's house to mine yesterday as well, so I made them dinner. We all ate in the living room, using the "new" coffee table.

After they left, K and I watched part of a movie, she ate cookies, we played some computer games, she took a shower, and she crashed HARD. I hadn't gotten a guest bed yet, so we shared mine -- and it's amazing how a 55 lb kid can take up an entire queen size bed. By the time I came to bed, she was all over the place, and I slept on the edge all night!

We had pancakes and bacon this morning. She slathers peanut butter and syrup all over hers and it makes me nauseous to even contemplate it. Ugh. I was told that I make my pancakes too dark. Live and learn. Katie popped over to eat breakfast with us, and then she took K to church. Now I have a little over an hour until rehearsal starts. It's going to be a Long Day.


Sunny Hose

Sunny Hose
Originally uploaded by klutz67
So Happy Weekend! I have so much to do today. As usual. (I'm avoiding thinking about why I'm keeping myself so busy...at least for now. I know I'll have to deal with it eventually.) I have furniture to find, gather, and move. I have my mom's cell phone to set up so she can actually get voice mail. Then I have to teach my mom HOW to get said voice mail, as she never learned on the last cell phone. Then I have my lawn to mow. Then, my niece is coming over for a sleepover!! Her Uncle Scott and Cousin Breeanne are joining us for dinner.

After our company leaves, we have a mission. K and I have created a list of things to do when she spends the night. Tonight, I believe the things we will check off will be: Crazy Hairstyles, Paint Fingernails, Listen to "Video Killed the Radio Star" (don't ask), and Watch "Mr. Magorium's Magical Emporium." You should see how long that list is. We'll be covered for things to do until she's at least 12.

And now...laundry, shower, breakfast, and on with the day in my still American-Idol-soundtracked home. (My speakers are getting a workout.)


Music and chives

Originally uploaded by klutz67
See pretty chives? One would think that I planted and nurture them because they are such a great addition to most any meal. One would be wrong. The flowers are purple -- this is the big attraction. Of course they're tasty, but since my cooking is often limited to cereal, the taste doesn't enter into it. I just love me some purple.

Music has been the focus this week. Despite many protestations, I was sucked into American Idol and am still riding a high that David Cook won. I downloaded the audio stuff and have been playing that while putzing around the house. Yesterday was my 2nd rehearsal (about the 20th for most cast members, but I have a tiny part) for High School Musical. And last night I spent a good long time looking up videos for some of my most played iPod songs. (They were, in no particular order: "The Trapeze Swinger" by Iron and Wine; "The Compromise" by The Format; and "I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor" by The Arctic Monkeys.) Eclectic mix? Yes. Great tunes? Also yes.

What are YOU listening to?


The deer ate my lilies

The deer ate my lilies
Originally uploaded by klutz67
They left my iris, but chomped all the lilies in my backyard. Dagnabbit. Still, I don't think I want anyone shooting them, which is what is going to happen if the city council has their way. Poor bambis.

Just one other thing to say this morning: David Cook is MY American Idol. I was so surprised and pleased that he got the nod last night. After a few calls to friends, I watched the whole show again (minus commercials) while actually making headway on organizing my house. Wonders will never cease.


Backyard Morning

Backyard Morning
Originally uploaded by klutz67
Starting an experiment -- 30 days of quick blogging. I am alive and well, but just unbelievably busy. I am generally uploading pictures from my new Palm Centro daily to my Flickr account (go to www.flickr.com/klutz67) and you can see what I see by checking that.

I want to keep this up regularly, so these posts may be short.

I'm rehearsing for a teeny tiny role in "Disney's High School Musical" at the Sauk next month. Then I have 2 months to prepare to direct "Escanaba in da Moonlight" and immediately follow that up by directing "On Golden Pond." What have I committed myself to?!?!

Since I last blogged, I have visited Ocean City, Miami Beach, and NYC. They've been fantastic trips, punctuated by meeting and hanging out with fantastic people. No more big trips, I fear, until fall. But rumor has it I might be taking a 3-day weekend in Paducah, KY at some point mid-summer. And a weekend in San Fran is definitely hoped for.

I've seen all the kids in the last couple of weeks, which has been awesome. The girls were home from grad school (just prior to their 23rd birthdays) and Sam is on summer break from CMU.

Here's hoping you're well (and maybe still reading this??). Drop me a line and let me know what's up if you have a chance.