

Concord Elementary Playground
Originally uploaded by klutz67
I love this picture. I didn't take it. My sister did. Last weekend, she took K to see her dad in our hometown, and got a picture on the playground where my dad was the elementary school principal for 13 or so years. He would have gotten the biggest kick out of K. And not just because she's his granddaughter.

Long day at the theater. I think we made some progress, though, which is very positive. If only we could figure out a way to keep the energy up through an entire song, let alone the whole show. These kids just look WIPED OUT the entire time they're on stage. I give a lot of credit to the directors. I couldn't take the frustration. I'll stick to my non-musical comedies/dramas, thanks. (Even if I am INSANE for trying to direct 2 this fall...)

Disney's got a helluva franchise with that High School Musical, though. I have to admit, I had the music on my iPod before we ever talked about doing it at the theater. Now that I'm hearing it in rehearsals, I am humming or singing it all the time -- in private, of course, so as to avoid collateral damage. The music is just damn catchy. But it's more than that. The themes are common but good ones: Be yourself and support each other. I think we could all use a little more of that, eh?

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