
Music and chives

Originally uploaded by klutz67
See pretty chives? One would think that I planted and nurture them because they are such a great addition to most any meal. One would be wrong. The flowers are purple -- this is the big attraction. Of course they're tasty, but since my cooking is often limited to cereal, the taste doesn't enter into it. I just love me some purple.

Music has been the focus this week. Despite many protestations, I was sucked into American Idol and am still riding a high that David Cook won. I downloaded the audio stuff and have been playing that while putzing around the house. Yesterday was my 2nd rehearsal (about the 20th for most cast members, but I have a tiny part) for High School Musical. And last night I spent a good long time looking up videos for some of my most played iPod songs. (They were, in no particular order: "The Trapeze Swinger" by Iron and Wine; "The Compromise" by The Format; and "I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor" by The Arctic Monkeys.) Eclectic mix? Yes. Great tunes? Also yes.

What are YOU listening to?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sad to say I have NEVER even heard of any of those bands. Are they current? rock? retro? underground? Me I listen to Sirius 7 - the 70's channel. Occasionally I flip it up a notch to 8 and listen to the 80's music, but that music brings back memories I think I'd rather forget! Arctic Monkeys?????????