
I will not get sick, I will not get sick

more allium
Originally uploaded by klutz67
I woke up this morning with a runny nose and a really persistant cough. My head is throbbing and my eyes are watering. I have no time to be sick, people, so I'm telling the germs in my body to just get over it. Quickly.

Got an unexpected reprieve from rehearsal tonight, so I will have a chance to mow lawn and plant a few trees my mom got for Arbor Day (or some such thing...I don't really know where/why she got them).

Last night, I was sitting on my back patio and watching the big tree in the back yard, when a gust of wind blew through. A thousand little helicopter seeds spun down and it was AMAZING. I don't know how I have lived this long and never seen that happen. Ever. It was just joyful. If it's windy tonight, I may try to get a video. You know, when I'm mowing and planting. Heh.

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