
Mom's Yard

Originally uploaded by klutz67
Isn't my mom's yard lovely? I can't stop myself from taking pictures when I'm over there. She's such a green thumb! (I am jealous, but not jealous enough to be quite the gardener that she is.)

Not much to write this morning. I missed the girls' birthday (though I remembered on the right day - Tuesday - but didn't think to call until it was WAY too late at night) so I called each last night with congratulations for 23 years on the planet and sincere regret. Oy. Someday I'll be timely. Someday.

Still feeling such a mixture of joy at the excitement of having my house all to myself and oddness at the quiet of it all. Then the dog starts howling and I remember I have 5 animals who aren't all that quiet at all. I have enjoyed my patio the most, and can hardly wait for warmer evenings and a chaise lounge from which to take it all in.

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